Fluorescent 'cool-white' lamps. Still the most standard and used solution for small plants research
Fluorescent 'high-performance' in closed lamp loft with heat extraction system
Typical fluorescent cool-white spectral disitribution
Fluorescent and LED combination for multi-tier controlled environment rooms with Philips LED GreenPower production modules
Controlled Environment Rooms with Fluorescent and Blue/Red/Far Red LEDs with intensity configuration
Spectral distribution measured inside an Aralab Plant Research chamber with Fluorescent + Blue and Red LEDs
New "Full Spectrum" CMD Philips 315w suitable for Plant growth and Research applications
The latest in high performance lighting: CMH with electronic ballasts, providing 50% energy savings, dimming and very high lights intensities (up tp 1.000 micromoles at 1m)
Typical spectral distribution of the new dimmable Philips 315w CMD
Heliospectra L4A S10 unit inside a FitoClima 600 PLH plant research chamber
Heliopectra's L4A S10 with all 7 channels for spectral distribution turned on
Wavelenght distribution of the Heliospectra S10 unit with all lights on
Philips GreenPower LED Research modules inside an Aralab reach-in chamber allowing dimming and combining Blue, White, Red and Far Red spectra
Far-Red LEDs combined with white fluorescent providing optimum plant results
High intensity (650w) Blue and Red LEDs inside closed canopy. Keeping conditions uniform and stable inside the growth chamber while providing high light intensities